Tuesday 28 May 2013

What is a campaign?

During the last couple of lessons we have been kick starting our A2 media course in which we were learning all about campaigns, in which has been really interesting. 
So during the next year we will be looking in a music video campaign for a new artists, and this is were we find out information on how campaigns and benefit music videos. 

During this process as a class we brainstormed all the campaigns in which there are. There are lots of different types of campaigns such as elections, charities, advertising and promotions, fashion, public health, raise awareness. All of these campaign are all the the same objective but working in different activity paths to then come together to make a campaign. 

 So with understand the different uses of campaigns. We will be looking at creating our own music campaign in which is creating a homepage, digipak and then the music video itself. All of these products in which we hope to create will raise awareness of the target audience in who we target all the products at. As a class we discussed on the star image and how that may attract to the target audience we are looking for. So hopefully this will appeal to the fans and eventually benefit the artist in the long run.

So as a class we looked at how Adele is  ordinary and extraordinary, I found this very interesting to see on how other class mates saw Adele in two different sides of ordinary to extraordinary. We then looked on what we had brainstormed and it is seen that Adele's star image is very much traditional, down to earth, mother figure and talented. This means that the target audience for Adele is teenagers to young adults. But of course there is still a audience who are older who maybe very interested in Adele's music.