Sunday 7 October 2012


After filming our prelims we had to edit them. The programme we used was final cut pro. Is a very good and quick programme, which is used by some big editing companies.
As I have never used this programme before it was all new to me. So as a class we were shown how to work it. The two main folders, which they use in editing, are called rush bin and log bin. The rush bin is for all the clips you have filmed, then the log bin is the clips you think will be useful and to be used for making the film.

We had to watch all of the clips, which we had filmed. Then place the useful clips in the log bin, then the not so useful clips in the rush bin. It is always good to keep all the clips, as you never know if you want them again.
Then we started cutting and moving the clips around to make it flow. This process takes time and concentration to do, but when you have finished it is very rewarding on what you have filmed and edited.

When looking back at all of the clips we had filmed, there were obvious mistakes, which we need to take in consideration when we film our thriller. I think the main mistake was the placing of the camera, and the outcome was that the sounds were all different in each shot.

I really enjoyed doing the editing, and looking forward to editing my thriller in a couple of month’s time.  

This is the programme which we use for editing our prelims, (final Cut Pro). 

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