Tuesday 25 June 2013

Grassrooting Goatwilliams

This task we were given was to create a mash up of a music video, in which I chose to do Robbie Williams - 'Rock this DJ' and then got clips of goats 'baaaaaaing'. This was a great oppounity to use moviemaker in which I have never done, it was very easy and quick to use, which made the process much easier.

We then placed the mash up video up on 'Youtube', in which had different approaches to the music companies. So the rights to the music videos didn't like us copyrighting there rights to the music label and posting it online. 
So with all our groups posting our mash up music videos in which we had created, lots of groups videos had been asked to take down the video from 'Youtube', there were also places around the world in which the video was not available to watch. This was due to different copyright companies having different rules with copyrighting. But our video was very lucky, and had a good response, as the music label thought that the idea in which we had done was great activity for people to watch the video. 

Lip Synch Task

In today's lesson we spent a whole morning in the TV studio as a class learning about lip synching a song, and putting it together as a music video. So from learning the basic skills from AS, with using the camera and editing. As a group we knew what we were doing, which was a advantage for us all.

So before starting anything practical we had a briefing from the media teachers on what the tasks were, which inculdes the green screen, the uses of a location with a sofa in and then a tracking shot. All of these's were all different uses of the camera to have a variety of different shots. As the groups were divided up in to three's to the different locations, are group started with the tracking shot, in which took time to get the hang of using the tracking and dolly. But once working as a group we were getting some really good fottage in which we could use when coming to editing.

As the morning unfolded we moved around to each of the locations and using a vareity of shots, different moves, different actors in front of the camera, and different people being in charge of the camera. Each and everyone of us really enjoyed doing each of these tasks, as they were all a real laugh doing, and of course we learnt lots from doing this task for when we actually do our music video in the Autumn. I think the two biggest things I've leanrt from doing this task was making the the actor feel confindent in front of the camera, and making sure they sing out aloud with the music, which should be quite loud. I did also learn that to have lots of fottage, if you want to have a fast pace as it will help when you come to editing.

Throughout this morning I have really enjoyed doing this task, as it really pointed out the mistakes in which you don't want to make when making the music video. But then of course it also pointed out in which worked really well.

Thursday 13 June 2013

Keith Negus- Organic vs. Synthetic

Keith Negus is a producing pop artist, who identifies two distinct way of thinking about potential artist from within the music industry. So the ideology of organic artists are 'naturalistic' approach to artist. They are seeds of success, in which they have 'nurtured' by a recording company.  But then on the other hand the ideology of synthetic artists are the image was constructed by the recording company. It is often aimed at a younger, less sophisticated audience, in which the emphasis is given to single sales and to promote their first albums.

During this week in class, we have been looking in to different music products in which are seen to be organic vs. synthetic. The difference between this two are that organic products are the artist who music is around today and people listen to it, even though it was released many years or decades ago. But on the other hand the synthetic artists are the ones in which they release a single in which there is lots of excitement over, but then the hype dies down after people move on to another single.

I decided to look at some artists in who are very organic and are still to this day know for there fantastic singles and albums. So I looked at Michael Jackson who is very talented, simple and well known all over the world. Even though he is dead, his music is still played and there is still lots of hype for the singles, there probably still people who buy his singles or album in a shop or online.

I then looked at Justin Beiber who has only been around for a couple of years, so he is a fairly new artist in the music industry. Why I chose Justin Beiber is because there are many people in who love his

music and then others can't stand it. But I believe the people who like the music are targeted at teenager girls who are going through a phase of liking his music, and then move on to other artist. I do also believe that the comparison between Michael Jackson to Justin Beiber  are huge, as in my opinion that Michael Jackson is a star image in which his music is great, not like Justin Beiber who is an artist who isn't that great.

I have learnt lots about this task and how looking at artists which are organic vs. synthetic. It has made me realised that to research in to an artist in who you believe is a organic artist and will make an album and then hopefully in years to come fans will still like the music they produced.

Sunday 9 June 2013

Star Image
