Wednesday 26 February 2014

Evaulation Task 4: Explain how we used digital technolgies in construction and research.

The construction of our A2 media project has been built up by and shown through not only media products, but a range of different online media such as social networking sites.

Throughout the last two years of our media coursework, our blogs in which show a clear example of how media technologies have enabled us to create our coursework to show the process throughout each of the different stages of production. Blogger has enabled us to upload documents such as PowerPoints, slideshare, large PDF files and links to our website.

The internet has also been a major contributor to the mass us of media technologies. We realised on this technology throughout the entire production of our music video, both before pre-production) and after (post-production).

Before the research and planning of our music video, we used YouTube as a digital technology to get inspiration of song choices, and narrative ideas. It was a great tool that we relied on to access inspiration and discover new visual video idea's. In the post production stage we also used 'Sound cloud' to look at some of 'The Kooks' music. It is were both amateurs and professional can upload their own music.

 In the post-production stage we used YouTube in a number of ways and stages. While editing the music video. The finished product of our music vide. We also used it for our focus group. We could then simply embed the videos to our blogs.

The pre-production of our music video, was centred around the internet, with the research and planning of costumes, props and location in which we want to use, or buy. In this process we also got inspiration from many other artists, there was of course we wanted to base our music video around a imaged look.

However in our post-production work the internet was of course still a huge part in our coursework. We used the online software called 'Wix' to create our band's website. This software was simple and easy to use, in which enabled us to create a professional looking website for free.

All of these programs, sites and software's in which were available for us to use, has enabled us to create a professional looking piece of coursework in which was all free to use.

By using digital media technologies I have used technological convergence to ensure that I have produced three products as a part of a successful campaign.  My use of YouTube, Wix and Blogger has enabled me to become a prosumer, a creator of media products to a near professional standard. The use of Final cut pro as a piece of editing software has taught me how to select and organise a music video to a very high standard using semi-professional  media equipment. I have also been able to share ideas and research global and industry standard products.  Digital technology has made available to me opportunities to upload, share and distribute my products using You tube as a free online broadcast platform.  It is also interactive – audiences have been able to feedback, like and comment on my products using features such as, and other online tools.  These new skills learned on this course have enabled to gain experience not only as a user of digital technology, but also to also become a producer – important to an understanding of the media in an online age.
Henry Jenkins is very interested in examining this ‘participatory culture’ and most specifically how the Internet has brought it to the forefront through offering opportunities for regular audience members to produce and upload their own products – something that I have achieved by uploading my work to YouTube. 

1 comment:

  1. This is solid description of the technologies that you used in your coursework, but you need to evaluate these technologies in relation to the evaluation task set - I think his means explaining the use of digital technologies and filming this - it needs to be posted. I like how you try and evaluate the use of technologies in the pre and post production stages of your coursework - this could be developed with a discussion of convergence and of you being a prosumer, for example!
