Thursday 13 September 2012

Camera Tutorial.

On our first practical tutorial when we to the media studio we learnt all about how the camera works.  I have never used a film camera before so all the information was new to me.

First Matt showed us how to to put the camera up, starting with the tripod. Making sure that it is all the legs are equal lengths so you don't film a wonky picture. Then we got out the camera, which is the sony NX5 digital HD camera.

Sliding the camera on so it is secure on the tripod with locking the locks. Remembering that when placing the camera on the tripod, that the black spot in the middle of the orange bubble, if not- to adjust is with the knob at the bottom of the tripod.

Now the camera is all in place and secure, we placed the battery to work the camera, then the camera should be in action to go. Matt showed us some of the dials on the camera which are very important. They were the zoom and focus, which are very important in filming as you can have all different angles of the camera. We then looked at how to white balance the camera by zooming on a white piece of paper, the reason we did this was because the camera can measure the colour of the lighting and adjust the colour to give an accurate look to the footage. Matt showed us in the lesson with opening the studio doors the light balance looked really blue, but when we adjusting it with the white paper in front it went back to the green nature look.

We then as groups played around with the camera and experimenting on what he had showed us, which was a lot of information for one lesson, but very enjoyable.

 This is the camera which we will using when filming. 

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