Sunday 30 September 2012

Filming the prelim.

On Friday 21st September 2012, we did are first ever prelim. We split up in to 3 groups. I was in a group with Laura, Jane, Anna, Anastasia. The lesson before we looked at what the storyboard looked like and what idea’s as a group we had. We discussed on what the outline of the story was going to be and how it was going to work out. As a group we came up with the idea that the older sister was bullying the younger sister to draw on the precious family pictures while the parents where out for a night.
We also discussed on who is going to be doing what, so Laura and Jane where the ones who were acting. Then Myself, Anna and Anastasia were in charge of controlling the camera and directing the actor’s.
My role in filming our first prelim was controlling the camera and what positions
We had the camera. When filming I did learnt that you have got to have the camera in the right position at all time and not moving it around, as the story will not make sense when editing it.

When filming it when smoothly but we had to do a few run through to get use of the script and where the camera would best be situated. We didn’t have any problems with anything apart from the lighting, because we had a couple of lamps on set, as we were filming in was a sitting room. The problem we had was when we had started filming some of us thought that it was too dark on set and that we needed more light. But then some of us disagreed because it wouldn’t match the first shot we had done, as one would be darker than the other. We then as a group came to an conclusion that we would leave it the way it was on the first shot.

The location was fantastic, I think we were really lucky getting the set in the filming studio out of all the groups because it really brought the meaning of the story to life, you could really imagine the scene if it was a really situation.
As our props we only had family pictures, they where of course effective because if we didn’t have them the story wouldn’t make any sense and meaning of what we were filming about.

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