Friday 22 February 2013

Continuing our thriller editing.

Since doing the last post of editing, We have created many different kind of elements of editing. Slowly but shortly we are now creating a smooth thriller which is really starting to look really good, which we are all really pleased with.
As I said with the previous post about editing, we were were worried that our editing was very much jumping around and that the transitions weren't as smooth as they could be. We then decided to start the sequence with the wall slide shot, we did this for two reasons, one was because we didn't think we could use this shot later on in editing and then it was a good way to start with the titles at the beginning to be on the wall. When incorporating the shot we all really liked it and that we wanted to include it there. So this then leads to the wall shot at the beginning which slides to the policemen in the alley way, we were worried that this would confuse the audience, but then we thought that it is fine as it really add tension at the beginning, as you don't know what is happening and what could go on.
Also in the editing sessions we also decided that we were going to have longer shots of the robbers, as this then shows the story of the robbers journey to the bank.

There was a very useful tip on final cut pro which we have also learnt, which was when we want some of the clip and not all of it. This was simply done with shift I to start the cut and then shift O to end the cut. This is really easy and quick way of cutting the clip down to what size you want it. It is much easier when placing it on the timeline and then cutting it on there.
When then learnt that when you are wanting to cut an clip, you just hold your hand over the space bar, and then when your instinct tells you that you should cut, you do so. Of course with this all three of us had different thoughts, if the shot should be longer or shorter. But we all came to an cut which we all agreed with.

We then also did learn a very useful tip from Matt who is one of the media editing guys showed us that when having a clip for example of the robbers hands in the back of the van to follow the shot then move to something which is similar, so for example to policemen's hand who is holding the gun.It was really good as we were finding it very difficult to match up clip which could go together, as they were not looking good together. This was a really useful tip in editing, because once we had starting using that useful tip, we felt that the sequence was really starting to move smooth.
After these couple of editing sessions, as a group we are really starting to feel that our thriller is starting to come together, which we are starting to feel proud of our thriller which we have created.  

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