Monday 4 February 2013

starting the timeline in editing

As a group we were taking it in turns with moving each lip down to the timeline and doing diffrent jobs. It was great as a group as we were getting advice from each other. Of corse at this stage of the timeline there is still lots of work which is needed to make our thriller the best it could be. I think at the moment we need to work on making each of the clips more smoother as at the moment they are very sharp from each transition.

During Friday's when we were editing we finished renaming the clips and sorting out in to the rush or log bins. We then went on to start the timeline process, which was really exicting as this is were we can see the clips together and what works well together. During editing we were realising that the clips of the driver to the policmen in the alley way, were so much diffrent in light. This was a problem as we lost a few clips, and we don't have many anyway. But of course the amazing help from the edeiting teachers, such as Paul said that we will be able to use those clips as they will lightnen up on HD, which was great news.

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