Wednesday 16 October 2013

Emailing casting for our music Video

Below is were Mariella has emailed our casting members a confirmation of our music video, which included the date of our shooting day, when each of the casting is needed on the actual day and then of course asking if this is all ok for them to be in our music video.
This process of casting is quite difficult to arrange as different people have commitments, and with that in mind it is hard to put it all together. There are of course people who are wanted in many different music videos.

Props list

Above is were Mariella has put together a props list in which props the school are going to provide for us and then the props as a group we are going to provide. So as a group we discussed on which props each of us are going to provide. We made this very equal, as we didn't want one to be doing more than the others.

So below we have put a list together on who is getting what.

What the group our buying for our props
 What Mariella getting/buying:
  • Apple Juice
  • Empty alcohol bottles
  • White bed throw
  • x2 white plates
  • x2 wine glasses
  • x2 sets of cutlery
  • x1 candle
  • x1 table cloth
What Charlie getting/buying:
  • Fairy lights
  • Graduation costume
  • Red dress
  • Empty bottles and glasses
What Liv getting/buying:
  • Fairy lights
  • Bed throw
  • Empty bottles
  • Engagement ring
What I am getting/buying:
  • Fairy lights
  • Red plastic cups
  • Empty bottles
  • Plain white bed sheet (double)
  • Grey and pink pillows
  • Flowers and picture frames

Tuesday 15 October 2013

Beggining of the Shooting Scedule

Here is were we have simply put together a rough understanding on what the shooting schedule is going to look like on the day we are going to shoot. But of course, this will change several times before the actual shooting day.

Monday 14 October 2013

Response from Institution

Below is a response from the institution 'Universal Studios'. In which has given us permission to use there rights of the song 'The Kooks- Naïve'. But it in the attachment of the email they have given us also some guild lines in which we have to follow when posting the song online.
This was great news for us, as it make the whole process of uploading the music video much similar, and hopefully we will get more of an outside audience watch the video.

Saturday 12 October 2013

Research in to band names

As we are getting closer and closer to our shooting day, we have to find a name for our band. This process is very time consuming, as you want to get the right name for the band which fits the image and which catches peoples eyes! So Charlie started researching in to band names, and she came across a band generator. 


Writing to the institution

Today we sent off a letter to the institution that manages The Kooks. They are managed by Virgin Records which is a subsidiary of Universal Music. As a contact was not available for Virgin Records specifically, we contacted Universal Music and asked them to forward on the email to whomever was concerned.

Here is a copy of the letter:

To Universal Music

We are a group of A Level students working on an A Level project for a qualification in Media Studies. We are writing to request permission to use the following track as part of this project:

Naïve - The Kooks

With your permission the track would be used as the accompaniment to a short form video that is made purely for assessment purposes and will have no commercial usage. The video will be viewed only by members of the school community and the assessor of the examination board.

The artist and the copyright holder will of course be fully recognised in the pre-production and evaluation material that accompanies the project. We can also include a full copyright notice if required both in the planning material and on the video itself.

If possible, could this be forwarded to whomever it may concern if this is not your area of expertise.

Yours sincerely

Olivia Hawthorne, Charlie Feeney, Mariella Bailey and Sophia Stanway
Hurtwood House School

Thursday 10 October 2013

Meeting with Scott the set designer

In today's lesson we had a meeting with Scott who is the set designer for all the music videos. This was a great opportunity to discuss our locations and our different sets. From this meeting we found out that our shooting date is the 15th November 2013, which means that it gives us half term to get ready and prepared for all the costumes, props and set design, as there is quite a lot of preparation still to be done before that date. 

We started the meeting of were the location is going to be for the band when they are playing. We visualise that it was going to be in a big space, so either in a warehouse or in a barn. I am quite lucky on were I live, as I live on a farm and I have several different barns to choose from. Scott and the rest of the media team liked the idea of shooting the performance element of the music video in this space, and that he would have to go and check the space out in order to see the natural light and electric sockets. 

We then moved on the all the different narrative scenes, in which we have several different scenes for. We discuss on each of the different scenes. The scenes in which we are going to be shooting in the studio are the classroom scene, graduation scene, dinner date scene and the bedroom scene. We then decided after many  
We have decided that the studio will be needed for the classroom scene, the graduation scene, dinner date scene and the bedroom scene.

After much contemplation we have decided to cut the marriage scene, the library scene and the hospital scene. The library scene is just too similar to the classroom scene, so we feel that it will be wasting the shooting time with other different scenes. Then with the hospital scene, it was a scene which was needing lots of props and costumes, which was very time consuming and complicated. Then the marriage scene is another one in which was tricky to work out with shooting. As we would have to find a location of a church, which is more travelling around on the actual day. So with rather than having a full scene, as a group decided that we will deicated the marriage scene at the end of the dinner date scene in were the boy will propose to the girl. 

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Storyboard Animatic

Above is our storyboard animatic in were we created all our storyboard and then merged together our song choice 'Kooks- Naive'. This process of doing the storyboard animatic was a great for the research and planning and to see in what shots of the still images work and which don't work. In this process there were of course strengths of getting the whole storyboard together, to see on how the music video is going to look like. It was also very useful in getting behind the camera again to refresh our memories on how it works before our actual shoot day. Then when it came to editing the animatic we could see on were may need a bit more work in the video, so then we can improve the missing gaps to make sure the storyboard is the best it can be to help us with our actual shooting day. 

Friday 4 October 2013

Digitalising our Storyboard

In yesterday's lesson we finished our storyboarding and showed our teacher Jason, in which we were making sure that the storyboard was all fine.

In this process we were going through in which areas in  we could change to make it more of an interesting music video, as we found that we had many shots the same, in which would be boring to watch the same shots over and over. We also as a group decided to add some insert shot, which are repeated shots. We did also decided as a group that the chorus was going to be the same shots, so there are a sequence of shots in which are the same. This is a great way of the audience to stay attracted to the music video.

When shooting our storyboard, it was a easy process, which took time. We started with assembling the camera and tripod, so then we were ready to shoot the storyboard. We then placed each individual storyboard page on the floor. We had to shoot each of the slide for around 5 seconds. This was of course a long process, as we had 180 shots to shoot.

We then took all the footage of shooting the storyboard to the media suite in which we edited it. This process of editing was great to see it really come together, and it did help us get a better feel of what our music video is going to look like.