Thursday 10 October 2013

Meeting with Scott the set designer

In today's lesson we had a meeting with Scott who is the set designer for all the music videos. This was a great opportunity to discuss our locations and our different sets. From this meeting we found out that our shooting date is the 15th November 2013, which means that it gives us half term to get ready and prepared for all the costumes, props and set design, as there is quite a lot of preparation still to be done before that date. 

We started the meeting of were the location is going to be for the band when they are playing. We visualise that it was going to be in a big space, so either in a warehouse or in a barn. I am quite lucky on were I live, as I live on a farm and I have several different barns to choose from. Scott and the rest of the media team liked the idea of shooting the performance element of the music video in this space, and that he would have to go and check the space out in order to see the natural light and electric sockets. 

We then moved on the all the different narrative scenes, in which we have several different scenes for. We discuss on each of the different scenes. The scenes in which we are going to be shooting in the studio are the classroom scene, graduation scene, dinner date scene and the bedroom scene. We then decided after many  
We have decided that the studio will be needed for the classroom scene, the graduation scene, dinner date scene and the bedroom scene.

After much contemplation we have decided to cut the marriage scene, the library scene and the hospital scene. The library scene is just too similar to the classroom scene, so we feel that it will be wasting the shooting time with other different scenes. Then with the hospital scene, it was a scene which was needing lots of props and costumes, which was very time consuming and complicated. Then the marriage scene is another one in which was tricky to work out with shooting. As we would have to find a location of a church, which is more travelling around on the actual day. So with rather than having a full scene, as a group decided that we will deicated the marriage scene at the end of the dinner date scene in were the boy will propose to the girl. 

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