Friday 4 October 2013

Digitalising our Storyboard

In yesterday's lesson we finished our storyboarding and showed our teacher Jason, in which we were making sure that the storyboard was all fine.

In this process we were going through in which areas in  we could change to make it more of an interesting music video, as we found that we had many shots the same, in which would be boring to watch the same shots over and over. We also as a group decided to add some insert shot, which are repeated shots. We did also decided as a group that the chorus was going to be the same shots, so there are a sequence of shots in which are the same. This is a great way of the audience to stay attracted to the music video.

When shooting our storyboard, it was a easy process, which took time. We started with assembling the camera and tripod, so then we were ready to shoot the storyboard. We then placed each individual storyboard page on the floor. We had to shoot each of the slide for around 5 seconds. This was of course a long process, as we had 180 shots to shoot.

We then took all the footage of shooting the storyboard to the media suite in which we edited it. This process of editing was great to see it really come together, and it did help us get a better feel of what our music video is going to look like.

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