Saturday 7 December 2013

The digi-pak design

The digi-pak design was again part of our coursework pieces along side of creating the music video and the website. As a group we wanted to make sure that the digi-pak was a strong piece of art for the band in which shows what the band are like. In our group there is myself and Mariella who do photography, so the skills of photoshop are quite advanced. So this means that we were able to create something with our skills. The design of the digi-pak of course like the website takes lots of drafts to get it right, but working back in to it several times we will hopefully achieve a successful digi-pak. 

The design of the digi-pak is very simple once getting the image together. We were able to have a template to help us placing the design together. So with the first image which is placed under the disk is a very simple, name of the band and the album, we have also included some band art work too in which connects with the band of piano keys, in which symbol's the band being organic. 
The second image in which we have chosen is the back of the digi-pak. It is a image of the boys in a natural looking pose, we have then included all the songs on the album.  
The third image is the front of the CD cover. We have all decided to have this image on the front, as all the band look really happy. We all agree that its a very chilled image in which is taken in the moment, so with Harry the lead singer not looking at the camera, isn't a really issue. We have also included the band name and album title.  
Then the forth and final image is the inside cover image. This will be placed side by side with the first image. I think this image is great even though it is over exposed. It again shows the band in their own light, in which I really like. I think this design next to the very simple white CD design will work really well together. 

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