Monday 9 December 2013

The website

After having serveral drafts of the website. We can say as a group that the website is completed, and that Mariella has done a fantastic job at creating it. 

The link above is the website software in which Mariella used to create the website. 
I have then taken some screenshots of the alterations in which needed to be done, to create a more successful website.

Above is the page 'About us', there were a few spelling errors in which need to be corrected, which was simply done.
As a group we all thought that we could of maybe talked about each of the different members of the band, so we also added some more information on each of them. 

We then added a new page of which enables the fans to buy merchandise from the band, in which includes hoodies, T-shirts  pillows, mugs, beanies and teddy bears. All of the merchandise products have 'Nobody's Boy's' logo on it. This is also on the CD digi-pak, so we have made a synergistic campaign. 

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