Sunday 9 December 2012

Editing our thriller prelim

On friday's lesson, we download all of our footage from our iphone's on to the mac, on to a programme called iMovie, then we started to edit them to create our first rough version of our thriller. We did this through using our storyboard and then cutting the clips to match what we originally had. There were a few shots which we weren't able to shot and one of those was the CCTV footage in the bank, so we got footage from the bank to fill the gap on the storyboard. 

Through editing our thriller prelim, it showed the strengths and weakness of us filming and were we need to possible change our storyboard. I think the most important point which was spotted was the sound, I think this has to play a massive part in our thriller, as I think that is what will make the thriller. We want some sounds which gives the atmosphere of anticipation of waiting which is of course realistic. 

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