Sunday 2 December 2012

Getting ready to film a rough version of our opening of our thriller.

In today lesson, Our teacher left us some work for us to do in order to prepare to shoot a descent title sequence for our thriller. The questions that helped us plan for tomorrow were:

1: Where will you be able to film inside the van (to make it feel the same, any small dark enclosed space will work)
Back of the studio as this will create verisimilitude.

2: Where will you shoot the police staking out the bank/waiting around the corner (alley?) to respond?
On the roof of the theatre- policeman with sniper as the top of the bank
Alley way behind the media studio/rooms- police with guns
The van with the robbers would be filmed behind the studio.

3: Have you got anything you could use as a disguise rather than balaclava's? Bear in mind would they really have these on whilst they are driving to the bank anyway?
As a group we have decided to not wear balaclava's at the beginning of our thriller because they would not wear these in real life at this point in the robbery and we are trying to create verisimilitude within our thriller. However for the ending of our thriller opening sequence, in the real thing, we shall wear balaclava's. Tomorrow we are going to go and ask the theatre department if they have any balaclava's that we could borrow for our rough version of our thriller.

4: Can you borrow Al's gun?
We were unable to contact Al, before the lesson. So we are going to try and catch up with him tomorrow in a free period. 

5: One of you pop into PS to politely see if there is any extra's you can enlist to help you tomorrow during that period. Ask permission from the person running PS before you start approaching people. 
There were very limited people in PS today so tomorrow at the beginning of our lesson we will go and quickly choose six people to play 4 robbers and 3 policeman. 


During today's lesson we went and looked for locations for the policeman to be filmed when on the top of the bank. We will film this on the roof of the theatre. For the policeman down the alley way we will film this down the back of the media rooms to create a realistic atmosphere. Also the robbers will be filmed behind the studio as this has the best settiung however, we shall not film much/or anything outside as we want  to create the theme of issolation and claustraphobia so most of this scene will be shot inside the van.

 This is where we will film the robbers on top of the bank as if we used a low-angle shot we would only get the walls and no trees or surroundings so would be a realistic shot.
We were thinking that we could film the policeman with the snipers on top of this wall but we decided against it as we want them to essentially be on the roof of the bank.

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