Sunday 2 December 2012

Rough shooting our prelim thriller.

Today we went and shot a rough version of our thriller opening sequence. We got some actors who had a free period that were able to help us. These will not be the actors in our real sequence as we want to  make our thriller realistic and so are going to use teachers as they are older. Today helped us to think about shot sizes and angles that we want to include within our real opening sequence. From today we established that the van scene is too quiet and awkward and we therefore came to the conclusion that we need to have the robbers doing something such as loading guns or putting on balaclavas.

We also found different locations to shoot the roof shots as we felt the original location on top of the theatre was too unsafe as Tilda (the actress) felt as if she was going to fall off. We therefore looked at a different roof where we could film but you could see mountains in the background and took away the verisimilitude of the piece. Therefore, today we came to the conclusion that we also need to find a location to film the policeman on top of the roof that is safe and realistic.
Above is us a group filming our prelim of our thriller.

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