Sunday 28 July 2013

A background to the music industry and some basic theory

Genre is a classification of a text according to it style and content, and possibly its form and manner of production. All the different media, pop media is the one in which is the most depended on genre, which includes the most widely different genres of texts. Genres are continually being changed and new inventions and revisted. This is really important of the process of categorisation for the producers and fans of the music alike.

So for example Girls Aloud are in the category of epitomize the shiny trash aesthetic of pop music.  


Broadly speaking, most music falls into one of these categories: 

* Pop (inculding global categories                      
   like Europop, Arabic pop,                               
   Cantopop, J- Pop, and K- Pop)                            
* Dance                        
 * Country and western 
* Folk          
* R&B 
* Jazz 
Hip- Hop/ Rap 
* Rock 
* Latin 
* Punk 
* Blues 

All of these categories in which I have named above contain a myriad of sub- genres of hybrids and mash- up of different kind of genres. But on the other hand each of these genres has unique musical characteristics (rhythm, instruments used for melody, lyric and vocal style) All of these factors can also be joined in with clothing, hair and lifestyle. Genres also have there specific sites of institutional support, including performance space (eg: nightclubs, radio stations, specialist record shops, magazines and festivals). 

Genre and Artist image: 

Genre and artist image is a massive role in how the artist portrays there music and what category they fall in. So for an example 'Its difficult to distinguish between many hip hop videos, all featuring baggily dressed homeboys sitting on steps or porches outside houses in a generic 'hood' swinging their arms and smiling at the booty passing by. Or perhaps driving slowly in big old open- topped cars round a generic 'hood' swinging their arms and waving at the booty they pass by. Similarly, all-girl or all-boy groups tend to go for videos shot in some warehouse, or other self-consciously urban setting, featuring them dancing in formation. If the look fits, wear it'.

Here are two different artists who portray there audiences and fans. It is clear that Adele is in the genre of 'Pop' and then Rihanna falls under the category of R&B. 

As I come to a conclusion with the understanding of the background to the music industry and some basic theory, I understand now that there are lots of different genre categories out there to chose from. This has made me think on which genre I will choose at looking at for my music videos. I have also learnt that with choosing a artist from a category, it is also making sure that the mise en scene is correct from the artist and genre. 

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