Saturday 20 July 2013

Creating a film poster

At the beginning of our A2 course, our whole year was given a task to create a film poster from our thriller which we had created in AS. This was a great opportunity to experiment on Photoshop. I was very lucky at this point as I had an advantage of doing photography as another A-Level, so I knew on how to use all the tools and the basic skills in which we needed to know to make a film poster.

So as our thriller groups we all brainstormed ideas in which we could use, we then all came up with several ideas in which were based around having a city scape and involving the robbers and policemen.
I started my poster with getting a London cityscape image in which is suitable
from were our thriller sequence is based. So with searching the net I found a image which in the distance were the skyscrapers. It was a great image in which I could then work with and adjustments of vibrance, levels, brightness, ect..  When finishing the adjustments I wanted to add images of guys in balaclavas, guns and then text. This process was using the tools on photoshop which include all the cutting tools (lasso tool, polygonal lasso tool, magnetic lasso tool) all of these tools are all very useful for cutting out selective parts of images and then you can adjust them from there. I then played around on were I wanted my balaclavas, guns and text to be placed on the city scape background. I did adjust the contrasts as they looked a bit to harsh together. This really did make the whole poster much better and really pulled it all together. I then add some text to finish it off, I didn't want to add to much text, as I feel that the audience doesn't want to be looking at much text. As they are more appealed to what the images are to make them attracted to go and watch it.

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