Sunday 25 November 2012

Sound for our thriller

As a group we wanted to disgust how the sound was going to be like in our thriller. We looked at the sound of 'Se7en' and how they created the suspense for their opening sequence. We understand that we can't copyright the sound for 'Se7en', but it has given us ideas on how we are going to create the sound for our opening.

So we spoke to our teacher on how we are going to create the sound as well as creating suspense at the same time. Therefore we want to use non- diegetic music to create the nervous atmosphere creating the suspense and waiting time for the robbers as well for the audience too.
So for example, when we will be filming in the van with the robbers we want the sound of the vehicle engine moving, as well as the hustle of the robbers getting ready.

As we want to create the sense of nervousness, as this is what it would be like in real life, with the robber and policeman all ready to go, all the waiting will create the suspense as everyone is nervous of what is going to happen and what the outcome of the robbery will be like. We really want to seduce the audience slowly so they feel part of the nervous atmosphere. So therefore, we must create a realistic atmosphere which the audience feel part of.

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