Wednesday 13 March 2013

Evaluation Task 4

I think the typical audience for our thriller will be 15-21 teenagers’ boys who are ready for an action packed film, which includes violence, guns, car chases and robbery. I think the ages between 15-21 will be a perfect ages to watch the thriller, as it will excite and thrill the audience. 
I also think that in this day and age we are around lots of technology, which means that 15-21 year old boys are around computer gaming for example- Xbox, play station ect. Lots of the games, which are on the market for people to buy, are violent which includes ‘Call Of Duty’. 
I also think that the audience group who I want to target, they are also being exposed to violent toys and games, like guns which is a wide range all around the world, which plays a massive part in their lives. 

Meet Sam Spencer: 

Age: 19
Favourite TV show: Big Brother,Desperate Housewives, watching tennis, he also likes documentary's. 
Favourite type of music: mainstream and R&B
Favourite film: James Bond's, Ted, Dark Knight Rises, Inception.  
His Background: He lives with his parents and brothers at home. He is also studying English lit at Portsmouth Uni. When he is back home he plays with his brother on the Xbox and Play station, he is very much in to action packed films and games. His favourite game is 'Call of Duty'. He also rents lots of movies from blockbuster or watch them only, if he is feeling lazy. 
What he does in his spare time: Goes out drinking with mates, cooking, cinema, mates and sleeps a lot. 

Above is a picture of Sam typical teenagers room. This is were he hangs out with his mates and chills, when he is back from Uni. The room inculdes a double bed, TV, macbook, book sheves, clock etc. It is all a teenager needs in a room were he can relax and chill.

On the other hand I think that my secondary audience will be 25+, who are still got that excitement when a film is action packed with fun and the edge of your seat. But I don't think there would be as much excitement from the 16-21 year olds. 
So for our thriller I would like to aim my audience at 16-21 year olds, who are ready for an action packed thriller, who are not afraid of guns, violence and car chases. 

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