Sunday 10 March 2013

Evaluation Task 5

In our thriller our primary audience is very much based towards 15-21 year old teenager boys which are in to a good car chases, guns, violence and an action packed thriller. There are of course certainly parts of the film which appeal to an secondary audience, and as a group we have decided that our secondary audience is very much targeted at 25+. We have chosen this audience, because they still have that thrill to watch a movie which is action packed with violence and aggression and still really enjoy it, but of course they don't get as much thrill as the teenager boys. 

1) What scenes have you included in the movie and why might they appeal? e.g car chases and explosions would typically attract a male audience

In our thriller the scenes which we have included that would appeal to 15-21 year old teenager boys. Because our thriller is all based around a bank robbery, during the film there is lots of action packed violence, car chases and guns. So as a group we feel that this primary audience is based around the older teenager boys, as they are very much interested in a good car chases, and of course they also are stereotypical aggressive at that age.  

2)    What mise en scene have you included that might appeal to your target audience? What locations, costumes, props and settings have you included, why might these appeal to your audience?

Throughout our thriller we have lots of scenes which include a variety of guns, which defiantly appeals to our target audience. As a group we think that including the mise en scene in which which we did is to make it as realistic as possible. Because in the community we live in we see in all the time, were there are guns, policemen, car chases and then general bank robberies. I think then went the audience is watching the movie they can relate on the situation in which are happening and make the tension 10x better, as they feel on what could happen next with guns, and policemen. 

3)    What characters have you included? Are any of these similar to your target audience? That could give the target audience a short cut to identifying with the protagonist. Some forms of cinema offer fantasy and excitement - if yours is in that category then maybe you are enabling the audience to indulge in an onscreen fantasy that is not present in their real lives?

The characters in which we have included are all males, I think why we have chosen an all male cast is so the primary audience could be attracted to there own sex roles. As our characters are policemen and robbers. We feel that the male audience would feel very much in a fantasy world with the characters as they are related to their ages as well as an everyday relation with policemen and the robbers. 

4)    Casting, have you included any sexy actors with a phwoar factor, to offer a different type of pleasure to members of the audience? 

Our cast in our thriller is all male characters, so from an women's point of view you could find it very appealing of the characters. I think that the girls maybe interesting in a good sexy policemen in uniform, which is ready to fight anything which comes towards him. I think girl would find this really appealing. But then of course, the girls could also find the characters who play the robbers really sexy, as they have that aggressive character on them, but ready get anything they can get. As they live a very exciting lives which are on the move all the time. We haven't put in a really sexy actors as such to get the phwoar factor, as different elements of the characters attracted to different audience members. 

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