Friday 15 March 2013

Evaluation Task 2

In this task we were asked on how does your media product represent in different social groups? There are many representations of different social groups with including the age and gender in our thriller to attract the audience in which we have researched to watching our thriller. 


The age in which we have chosen for our thriller is very much based around the middle aged men. This is because we feel that this is the age in which they will be most attracted to our thriller, because there are guns, violence and car chases. When also researching in to basing our thriller round the middle aged, it was very much to be in the news that there were lots of teen bank robbery, that were on the daily news and internet. So this really attracted to our thriller being the perfect age for middle aged men to be watching it. Below is where I have be researching into teenagers who have been involved in a bank robbery. 

The image above is very much to be seen as the teenagers in this image is breaking the law, and this is what is in the news all the time with teenagers causing riots and general problems round other public members around them. But then of course, we see in news that not all teenagers are causing riots and they are very much to have a positive representation on general public. 

In our thriller we have included all different range of ages. We have done this to attract different age groups to our thriller and to represent different representations. Because out robbers are based around a middle aged this will attract the audience to be very much as role models to the audience. This then means that age doesn't effect if the people are good or bad. 
Then the policemen, are in the older sector of the middle age, as the policemen are to be seen as more responsible towards the public and have more authorities than the robbers, as the robbers have to cover themselves up to not show themselves to the public. But the policemen are to be seen much bigger and more powerful with the uniforms, badges and guns. For the public this makes them feel safe towards people around them in a day to day situation. 
So this concludes to the different representation between the two ages are that the policemen are a threat towards the robbers, as they play the bigger role in being in charge of the public around them. 


In our thriller we have an all male cast, so all our robbers and policemen are male. We also used a lot of props such as; shot guns and machine guns. Then we used costumes for the robbers such as; balaclavas and black hoodies. All of the costumes in which we have chosen for the robbers to wear really suggest to the audience that they are male robbers because of the clothing they are wearing. 

In our thriller we want to add as much verisimilitude as possible to make the audience feel tension and suspension.   The atmosphere is to create that feel that the robbers are heading towards the bank and are unapproachable for the policemen. 

After looking at who is most suitable for our thriller in age and gender it can obviously be seen that it is middle aged men who are most suited to our thriller. As a group we discussed on other ages and a women cast but we felt that it would not be the same feel and tension to the whole aspect of the thriller. As they are very much to be seen as weaker and not so aggressive as men are. So both our robbers and policemen are to be seen as males.  

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