Saturday 9 March 2013

Evaluation Task 6

What have you learnt about technology?

Throughout the process of making our thriller their have been several technology elements in which we have learnt to use, which have been great fun. Some in which I could name now, are learning how to use the camera when filming, editing on final cut pro, this was a massive learnt to me as I have never been on this program before and then of course of knowing when to but the right shot of angle were to create that tension and suspense. 
So as a group we when through our thriller together we used a technology element of scribing on our thriller which is on youtube. This element of technology is for the audience to see on why we have chosen to do what we have, in writing to show the various technical bits and pieces we have put in to make it feel verisimilitude for the audience to watch. 
As below, I have not screen shot all the scribes, the ones which are there, I feel these are the most important ones in which we have used by using technology. 

(The annotations may not be visible in some browsers e.g. Safari due to a glitch on YouTube) 


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