Friday 15 March 2013

Evaluation Task 2

In this task we were asked on how does your media product represent in different social groups? There are many representations of different social groups with including the age and gender in our thriller to attract the audience in which we have researched to watching our thriller. 


The age in which we have chosen for our thriller is very much based around the middle aged men. This is because we feel that this is the age in which they will be most attracted to our thriller, because there are guns, violence and car chases. When also researching in to basing our thriller round the middle aged, it was very much to be in the news that there were lots of teen bank robbery, that were on the daily news and internet. So this really attracted to our thriller being the perfect age for middle aged men to be watching it. Below is where I have be researching into teenagers who have been involved in a bank robbery. 

The image above is very much to be seen as the teenagers in this image is breaking the law, and this is what is in the news all the time with teenagers causing riots and general problems round other public members around them. But then of course, we see in news that not all teenagers are causing riots and they are very much to have a positive representation on general public. 

In our thriller we have included all different range of ages. We have done this to attract different age groups to our thriller and to represent different representations. Because out robbers are based around a middle aged this will attract the audience to be very much as role models to the audience. This then means that age doesn't effect if the people are good or bad. 
Then the policemen, are in the older sector of the middle age, as the policemen are to be seen as more responsible towards the public and have more authorities than the robbers, as the robbers have to cover themselves up to not show themselves to the public. But the policemen are to be seen much bigger and more powerful with the uniforms, badges and guns. For the public this makes them feel safe towards people around them in a day to day situation. 
So this concludes to the different representation between the two ages are that the policemen are a threat towards the robbers, as they play the bigger role in being in charge of the public around them. 


In our thriller we have an all male cast, so all our robbers and policemen are male. We also used a lot of props such as; shot guns and machine guns. Then we used costumes for the robbers such as; balaclavas and black hoodies. All of the costumes in which we have chosen for the robbers to wear really suggest to the audience that they are male robbers because of the clothing they are wearing. 

In our thriller we want to add as much verisimilitude as possible to make the audience feel tension and suspension.   The atmosphere is to create that feel that the robbers are heading towards the bank and are unapproachable for the policemen. 

After looking at who is most suitable for our thriller in age and gender it can obviously be seen that it is middle aged men who are most suited to our thriller. As a group we discussed on other ages and a women cast but we felt that it would not be the same feel and tension to the whole aspect of the thriller. As they are very much to be seen as weaker and not so aggressive as men are. So both our robbers and policemen are to be seen as males.  

Thursday 14 March 2013

Evaluation Task 3

In our thriller which we have filmed and edited. I feel that our primary audience is to younger male adults, which are 15-21. I then think that our secondary target audience is males from the age of 25-35. Why I think this to primary and secondary audiences are suitable is because of what our thriller is about and who would go and watch it. As a group we discussed that our thriller will be mainly targeted at males than females. So we made a decision that out main focus would be around 15-21 males who would be very much interested in our thriller.  

As we determined that our thriller was only targeted to one gender. It was also highlighted that for a film to be produced global or to have huge stars, actors and directors who are known all over the world, used pre-sold elements or extensively use of the effects of 3D or IMAX. This is were huge technology comes in which is very expensive..This elements of the very expensive technology is not able to be used in our thriller, so it can not be distributed globally to different countries. There are many reasons on why we have not decided to use it, and one is that it is very costly to use all the very high range technology. This bigger companies such as Warner Bros and Sony Pictures have very high budgets when the produce, distribute and market their movies.  As well of when distributing the thriller to different countries. As it is an English thriller not many people will know much about the thriller and be so attracted as the British public.  So we have decided that we will produce our thriller on to 2D, as it it much cheaper to produce, which keeps a low budget. This then leads to home viewing. We have decided that we are going to release our thriller on DVD, Blue- Ray, collector editions, Itunes, and also online shopping, such as Amazon. However we are going to release our thriller on Youtube after all the releases have been done. This will then mean that there will be no leaking online before the official releases.

So this leads our thriller to be very much only shown in Britain. As it is set in south of England and also using an all English cast to player the characters. It was very lead to the British public than other people around the world. From the British audience of knowing the policemen costumes as well. We had British policemen based uniforms, so other countries around the world wouldn't know what the British police uniform are. 
We have also used an English based bank, which is international, but it is very known to the English public. We have used a Barclays bank in Cranliegh. It is another reason why our thriller is very much more suitable for the British public than an international public. 

Above is the bank which we have chosen for our thriller as from my previous post before, it is an English based bank in Cranliegh. 

The distribution company which we think would be the best fitted for our thriller would be 'The Works' who are a integrated company, we believe as a group is that have been very successful on working with very low budget films such as 'Outside Bet' and 'The Knot'. So I think this company will be very success which could be repeated with our thriller. I think the main reason on why 'The Works' have a very well known representation of having a very low budget films and this is because of using not world known actors and actress who are in leading big movies. I have incorporated the website of 'The Works', to show on which movies they have distribute.

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Evaluation Task 4

I think the typical audience for our thriller will be 15-21 teenagers’ boys who are ready for an action packed film, which includes violence, guns, car chases and robbery. I think the ages between 15-21 will be a perfect ages to watch the thriller, as it will excite and thrill the audience. 
I also think that in this day and age we are around lots of technology, which means that 15-21 year old boys are around computer gaming for example- Xbox, play station ect. Lots of the games, which are on the market for people to buy, are violent which includes ‘Call Of Duty’. 
I also think that the audience group who I want to target, they are also being exposed to violent toys and games, like guns which is a wide range all around the world, which plays a massive part in their lives. 

Meet Sam Spencer: 

Age: 19
Favourite TV show: Big Brother,Desperate Housewives, watching tennis, he also likes documentary's. 
Favourite type of music: mainstream and R&B
Favourite film: James Bond's, Ted, Dark Knight Rises, Inception.  
His Background: He lives with his parents and brothers at home. He is also studying English lit at Portsmouth Uni. When he is back home he plays with his brother on the Xbox and Play station, he is very much in to action packed films and games. His favourite game is 'Call of Duty'. He also rents lots of movies from blockbuster or watch them only, if he is feeling lazy. 
What he does in his spare time: Goes out drinking with mates, cooking, cinema, mates and sleeps a lot. 

Above is a picture of Sam typical teenagers room. This is were he hangs out with his mates and chills, when he is back from Uni. The room inculdes a double bed, TV, macbook, book sheves, clock etc. It is all a teenager needs in a room were he can relax and chill.

On the other hand I think that my secondary audience will be 25+, who are still got that excitement when a film is action packed with fun and the edge of your seat. But I don't think there would be as much excitement from the 16-21 year olds. 
So for our thriller I would like to aim my audience at 16-21 year olds, who are ready for an action packed thriller, who are not afraid of guns, violence and car chases. 

Sunday 10 March 2013

Evaluation Task 5

In our thriller our primary audience is very much based towards 15-21 year old teenager boys which are in to a good car chases, guns, violence and an action packed thriller. There are of course certainly parts of the film which appeal to an secondary audience, and as a group we have decided that our secondary audience is very much targeted at 25+. We have chosen this audience, because they still have that thrill to watch a movie which is action packed with violence and aggression and still really enjoy it, but of course they don't get as much thrill as the teenager boys. 

1) What scenes have you included in the movie and why might they appeal? e.g car chases and explosions would typically attract a male audience

In our thriller the scenes which we have included that would appeal to 15-21 year old teenager boys. Because our thriller is all based around a bank robbery, during the film there is lots of action packed violence, car chases and guns. So as a group we feel that this primary audience is based around the older teenager boys, as they are very much interested in a good car chases, and of course they also are stereotypical aggressive at that age.  

2)    What mise en scene have you included that might appeal to your target audience? What locations, costumes, props and settings have you included, why might these appeal to your audience?

Throughout our thriller we have lots of scenes which include a variety of guns, which defiantly appeals to our target audience. As a group we think that including the mise en scene in which which we did is to make it as realistic as possible. Because in the community we live in we see in all the time, were there are guns, policemen, car chases and then general bank robberies. I think then went the audience is watching the movie they can relate on the situation in which are happening and make the tension 10x better, as they feel on what could happen next with guns, and policemen. 

3)    What characters have you included? Are any of these similar to your target audience? That could give the target audience a short cut to identifying with the protagonist. Some forms of cinema offer fantasy and excitement - if yours is in that category then maybe you are enabling the audience to indulge in an onscreen fantasy that is not present in their real lives?

The characters in which we have included are all males, I think why we have chosen an all male cast is so the primary audience could be attracted to there own sex roles. As our characters are policemen and robbers. We feel that the male audience would feel very much in a fantasy world with the characters as they are related to their ages as well as an everyday relation with policemen and the robbers. 

4)    Casting, have you included any sexy actors with a phwoar factor, to offer a different type of pleasure to members of the audience? 

Our cast in our thriller is all male characters, so from an women's point of view you could find it very appealing of the characters. I think that the girls maybe interesting in a good sexy policemen in uniform, which is ready to fight anything which comes towards him. I think girl would find this really appealing. But then of course, the girls could also find the characters who play the robbers really sexy, as they have that aggressive character on them, but ready get anything they can get. As they live a very exciting lives which are on the move all the time. We haven't put in a really sexy actors as such to get the phwoar factor, as different elements of the characters attracted to different audience members. 

Saturday 9 March 2013

Evaluation Task 6

What have you learnt about technology?

Throughout the process of making our thriller their have been several technology elements in which we have learnt to use, which have been great fun. Some in which I could name now, are learning how to use the camera when filming, editing on final cut pro, this was a massive learnt to me as I have never been on this program before and then of course of knowing when to but the right shot of angle were to create that tension and suspense. 
So as a group we when through our thriller together we used a technology element of scribing on our thriller which is on youtube. This element of technology is for the audience to see on why we have chosen to do what we have, in writing to show the various technical bits and pieces we have put in to make it feel verisimilitude for the audience to watch. 
As below, I have not screen shot all the scribes, the ones which are there, I feel these are the most important ones in which we have used by using technology. 

(The annotations may not be visible in some browsers e.g. Safari due to a glitch on YouTube) 


Sunday 3 March 2013

Evaluation task 7

After watching our prelims as a group, we then started comparing them to our recent thriller, which we have created. Firstly throughout watching the prelim back I was shocked that only a few months ago I had created this. But of course I took in to consideration that this was our first time, which we had created something together, and for some of us it was the first time we have ever been in control of a camera. There were main difference between our prelim, which was the quality, action and not being very clear. The four main areas in which we were asked to look at were camerawork, mise en scene, editing and sound.

The first area in which we were asked to look in to was camerawork and the difference between our prelim to our thriller. I think the automatic feel towards the prelim camerawork was that it was very much done with out care and thought through. When comparing the camerawork to our prelim to our thriller, it was very much seen that the audience was getting distracted with the jerkiness of the camerawork. This then leads that the audience are not getting stuck in to the film of what could happen next. It means that it breaks the disbelieve of the world of the film and the characters. The shot in which Laura and Jane are talking, in the background we are shown the bad camerawork of the position of the camera, as it was too high. We did this shot because we wanted to get the dominate of Laura being the bigger sister being the more dominate character. If we had shot this again, we would of either done Laura being on a chair; so then the top of the set would not be seen. Or we could of done a point of view shot in were we could of seen Laura looking down at Jane. From learning our mistakes in our prelim, we then composed our thriller with some fantastic camerawork. As what I was staying in our prelim on shots, which we should, have done differently for example point of view shot. We took this in to consideration and did in our thriller. I think my favourite was when the policemen were on roof with the riffle gun, then a mirrored shot of the point of view of the policemen looking down on to the high street in Guildford. This two shots are great as one is looking up then the other is looking down. There is more thought of the composition of the shots, which make the audience feel more part of the film as well of feeling verisimilar. 

Mise en Scene:

The mise en scene was very different from our prelim to our thriller. The prelim was very basic with not much thought towards to costumes, props, lighting, make up and set. In the prelim, I feel that the audience didn’t understand what was going on. I think this would have been more successful if we had more props instead of only having a family picture, even though this picture did tell the story out. I feel that the set we used was great for what we needed it for, but if we had more props such as furniture in there to make it look more homely, I think it would make the audience feel that it more realistic that this could storyline could be at home. If I would of done our prelim again, as a group I would of like to have more thought towards the set, props, lighting, especially the props of the furniture, as I feel this would of made the set more homely and more truthful that it was happening in an sitting room. From then forward we moved to our thriller, were our mise en scene was amazing. This is from the costumes to the set. As a group we put lots of thought and effort towards all the mise en scene, because we wanted to get it right this time and make it really feel right. I think our strongest part in the mise en scene was defiantly the costumes. As a team we all put in lots of time to get these right and we certainly achieved that.  If I had an optionally to do my thriller again, out of the mise en scene I would of change more thought to the location we picked, (policemen down the alleyway) not saying that they weren’t any good. We did find this really difficult to do, as we didn’t wanted to be seen in the countryside. But overall in editing we have overcome this problem.


The editing between our prelim and our thriller was much better overall. I think from our prelim, were still learning how to work (Final Cut Pro), but by the time of editing our thriller we were much more confident with the control, it was such a fun process as we were just experimenting. I think the work which we did with the editing for our prelim was very basic, but a very good try at editing, as some of us had never done it before. I think our achievement was to have a sequence to follow through, which told a story. But at the same time, we had edited it so it was very jumping around, which made it look very harsh. So as an audience member looking back at it. I think it was very off putting because all the shot were all over the place. I think if we had a chance to do the editing again, as a group we would of not of had so many different shots, to make it seem harsh. From the mistakes in editing our prelim, we have taken the editing to our thriller, which is much better. As a group we have all really enjoyed doing the editing the thriller, as we have seen the story grow, which has been really good to see. I think in editing our thriller my favourite shots, which we have been able; to do is the roof shots of the policemen. I think as a group we all agree that this is one of our strongest shots and editing parts. Overall in editing between the prelim and thriller we defiantly see a huge improvement with our skills in editing.


In our prelim, we didn’t have any sounds to our piece, which I wished we did. As if feel that would of brought the piece together, even if it was a soft sound behind the dialogue. The dialogue, which they asked us to do, was very simple, but of course it did take time to know the words and to make it follow. We felt for our thriller that we weren’t going to have an dialogue because I think that is were it could fall in the piece, as you never know how the actor is going to response to the script. So instead of having a dialogue we had a sound behind all the shots. This was the best part in editing, because after the sound when it behind the shots, you really got the feel of the atmosphere. It made our thriller 10x better. So between the prelim and the thrillers sound, it is easy to say that the prelim sound is much better.

Both our prelim task and thriller. As a group we have thoroughly enjoyed the process of both of them. It has been a fantastic experience to do.