Wednesday 27 November 2013

Evaluating the rough cut of music video

As the editing process starts, from having all of our footage from our shoot day. We loaded up the editing software 'Final Cut Pro' in were all our footage would have been uploaded.
The process started with looking at all the indviavial shots of the different scenes. This process does take a bit of time, in which is time consuming as well as you are naming each of the shots and then putting them in to group. There were of course shots in which were rejected because some were either off centre, framing, composition or the lighting was not right. This does help you when coming to edit the video, as you will know were each of the shots are, instead of trying to search for each of the shots.
 But the shots in which may not come in use, they some part of the footage may come in use in the editing half way through. At this point we had chosen the good footage in which we do believe will make a good video.

As the process of the editing starts, we had to sync all of the clips to the beat of the music, again this task does take its time, as you need to make sure that this is done correctly, otherwise the beat of song won't match the clip.
We then started to edit the performance of the video first, in which means that then we can then slot the narrative part in afterwards. We did this with lay shots onto a timeline and then edit shot lengths. The editing does require you to order the shots in terms of a performance or narrative sequences or both. 
We then started to place markers down in which part of the clip we wanted to use, it was much easier when then bring the clip down to the timeline and then you can easily blade the clip afterwards.  
In our music video there are of course clips in which had to be repeated in order for us to cut the video. But we were able to create a video which had variation to make it an interesting video to watch, and I believe we have done that. 

The overall structure of the video there is more performance to the narrative, as a group we believe that the performance aspect of the video is much stronger. But I do think that we have evened out the editing to make sure that the video is not boring to watch. I do also think that we have employed continuity to the beat of the song and with also the mise en scene of the first draft of the video. 

So as finish the rough cut of our video, I think that we have got a understanding on were the video is going. But we had a problem with moving all of the clips out of sync, which will now cause lots of moving around. The performance part needs work on were there is a beat, it needs to be showed on the camera at that time. I do also still think that maybe that the narrative isn't spread out enough in the video, in which I want to play around with in the final edit.

Here is the rough cut of our music video... 

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