Wednesday 6 November 2013

Health and saftey in the Studio.

The health and safety in the studio, is making sure that as the filming crew that we are safe at all times when shooting our music video.
We need to be aware that we are using expensive equipment, so we want to be sure that we take care when using this. So the rules in which we should consider is:

* Not having lots of people in the studio at one time, as this can cause accident to occur.
* All leads, litter, props and costumes should be cleared after use.
* Fixed lighting must not be adjusted
* All mobile phones should be switched off, or on silent
* Do not lean against anything, as some of the set may be firm to the ground, so could cause it to break.
* All bags, coats and personal belongings to be left at the back of the studio, as this will prevent anyone tripping up on any items.
* If you have wet hands, don't touch any of the electrical equipment
* Don't move any of the set, or lighting without any of the staff consent

One of the main hazard when filming in a studio can involve several people: Cameraman, lighting director, casting director, ect... So with all this action going on and working together, which is normally in a confined space which needs a lot of concentration. In this scenario it is quite easy to forget all the signal leads, power cables, lighting stands, props and camera tripods. So it is therefore important to minimise the risk of tripping over something by keeping all bags and cases at the back of the studio far way from the working area. Leads and cables should be routed in a way so as to offer minimal risk and if possible taped down. Although these rules are for the studio, they can equally be applied on location as well.

1 comment:

  1. The shooting schedule, call list and production schedule have been blogged, well done - though could the shooting schedule have more detail?. You are evidently prepared to shoot your music video, so good luck in preparation for that –excellent evaluation of health and safety. You have managed to organise your shoot well. Research it the campaign could be developed further and I would lie to see you post your design for your CD digipak as soon as possible. Please blog the make up test as well - an important part of the casting. Try to use F|lickr to produce an album of your photo's and provide a brief evaluation of these.
