Tuesday 5 November 2013

Photo shooting for Digipack CD Cover

Today we have be preparing the photo shoot for the digipack CD cover, in which we have come up with three location in were we could potential do it.

The Studio:

The studio is were most people think of having a photo shoot, but in our case it is far to clean for the look of our band look. If we did have the studio look it would be the main focus on the band performing. We would have the band playing around, like the photo above to show the audience and fans the fun the band is having. 

The Roof Top:

The whole idea of having the band on the roof top was to give that whole edgey look to the band, in which could come around from the audience as a bit rebellious, but also having that peaceful, chilled look with their instruments. We are also very lucky at Hurtwood with the natural beauty around us, which means there are lovely backdrops of landscapes behind. 

The Woods: 

The woods was another option to consider, it was another classic location, as it is keeping away from the synthetic make-up and it keeping the band with the nature behind them. It also shows in this location in how the band are very chilled and relaxed band, so we as a group we were saying maybe with one of the band members smoking in the background. But this could turn the audience and fan members off with the smoking, as it may come around that the band were good, but turning in to a bit rebellious.  

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