Tuesday 19 November 2013

Music Promo- Write up of shooting day

What did you do the day before, to set up for you shoot?

The day before shooting, we were unlucky to be able to get access to the studio space as the other group were longer than expected. So with not being able to build the set, we wanted to make sure that we were all ready for tomorrow, so making sure that we have all the costumes, props all together and in the different scenes. We did also checked with the lead actors, and making sure the items in which we had asked them to bring, and also making sure that they are both still comfortable with what they had to do the next day.

How did you feel when you woke up on the morning of the shoot day?
The morning of the shoot day, I was so excited, but of course I was quite nervous, because simply we had so many scenes in the studio to do, and because of this not being able to go on location in the afternoon. But in the back of my mind I knew that it was going to be day in which I will never forget and have great fun.
How well prepared were you when arrived for your shoot, what did you have to do before you could start shooting?
As a group we were so prepared when we arrived for our shoot, as each of us knew what costumes and props we were bring in, and I think this was great, as we were stressing out beforehand. The only thing we could of done before the shoot was to print some pictures of for the bedroom scene in which we had forgotten to do. We then of course had to set the scene with the bed sheets, and then get actors in to the different costumes and the make-up in which didn't take that long to do.
Describe what the studio looked like when you started shooting, how well do you managed to create the look of you concept?
When we arrived in the studio. The media tech team had set up a basis of our set, which consisted of three white blank walls, in which had door either side. This was great for us, as then we can make the set in to what we like. The bedroom scene was the best one in which we transformed from a blank space, as we had made it in a really cosy bedroom, with a bed, posters, pictures, bedside draw. We were all happy with the transformation as it look like it could of been Ellie's (main girl) bedroom.
How did you divide the roles on you shoot day, what roles did you play?
In the group we divide the roles up well, so that everyone had a chance at playing a role in different things. But most of the time Charlie Feeney was on the dolly and in charge of the camera. Mariella Bailey was taking some really useful notes when all of the shooting was happening. This was great for the group as now looking back on the day, we can refer to the notes. Liv Hawthorne was in charge of the play back of the music and she also was making sure that everyone was knowing what they were doing. I then was in charge of doing the make-up and costumes changes. I did also throughout the day I was taking pictures.   
What do you think personally you did well?
I think that making sure that we had everything in the right place in the right time to make sure that the shoot goes as smoothly as possible. I also think that I did well with my make-up skills in making sure that the cast look the best they could.  
What problems did you have on the shoot day, and how did you solve them?
The problems we had on the shoot day, was not having enough time to be able to go on location in the afternoon. This was such a shame, as we think that it would of made our video stronger. So instead of going on location we shot the band in the studio in the same set, but just with their instruments. We also had to cut out the classroom scene, as we were just didn't have enough time do to it. We did also have a problem finding people for the party scene, which meant that we were grapping people who were free to help us out.
What part of the shoot do you wish had gone better, and why?
I think the scenes in which we all agree wish had gone better and that is the party scene, as it just didn't look as realistic enough, and then of course we would of wished that we went to the location of the barn with the band.
How well do you think you managed your talent?
I think as a group we all did well at managing all of the cast members, and that is what made the shoot day as successful as it was. But I do think that my make-up skills was a great talent in which I showed off in all of the cast members.
What was the part of the shoot you enjoyed the most?
The shoot day was a great experience to have, and I enjoyed every bit of it. It was great to understand to over come issues and then sort them out, to make it work. But I did really enjoy shooting the bedroom scene and the band scene. Both of these scenes I believe our strongest, and hopefully it will all come together to look like a professional music video.
What are you looking forward to seeing the most in the edit?
I think that I am going to look forward to editing the band the most. But I am really looking forward to all the scene merging together, and hopefully if it all works out, it should look really good.
How well do you feel that your production group worked as a team?
As a team we have worked together really well, and there have been no issues with anything. I have really enjoyed working with the three other girls.
Are there any lessons learned that could help you make you make your next shoot even more successful?
The main thing I have learnt over this music video, is making sure that your time management is good, all of the work in which you do before, is really important when it comes to the shoot day, so taking on board on all the preparation.


  1. This is excellent and clear evaluation of the shoot day. You have clearly reflected on the set-up and design of the shoot. You have been able to describe the role that you played on the day. A clear account is made of the digital technologies that you used and attempted to evaluate the purpose of this technology. You have demonstrated a clear knowledge and understanding of how the planning of the music video was important to the shoot day and reflected as well on your contribution, so well done.

  2. PS you coould also add images of the shoot day which will illustrate the points above. Can you also please blog your Cd digipak design?
    Thank you.
