Saturday 24 November 2012

Creating our story boards.

During the beginning of this week we have been creating our story boards for the opening sequence of our thriller. After doing lots of research of how we are going to open our thriller as well of drawing the story board of how we imagine it will be like. When discussing with the group, we want to start the opening sequence in a van with the robbers, we wanted to create as much tension and atmosphere in the van as possible, showing the audience the suspense. The process of writing our story board was choosing the shoot types and sizes, this had to be carefully done as we want to make the thriller theme as isolation and suspense. 
We then also thought about using an effect of CCTV footage from inside of a bank to add more realism and establish the location for the audience. 

As we establish our thriller is based around on lots of suspense, so we decided that we were going to have a slow editing pace in order to show the character, location and theme. So therefore we don't have many shots in our story board as we feel that if it was a fast editing pace the audience would feel lost, as it would be too chaotic to watch. So understanding that we are going to do slow editing pace between the shots it would make it much easier for the audience to understand, also having a slow editing pace would add more suspense. 
The last image is the final copy of our thriller story board, we understand it will be adjusted from now to when we shoot. 

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