Sunday 11 November 2012

moving thriller ideas on...

During this week we have been discussing as a group how we are going to move our thriller on and further ideas. When looking on the news daily, we came across a story line of the plane evacuation which was at Glasgow airport. One of the public members had filmed this dramatic moment of the people getting off on his phone. This made it more dramatic because it was juttery of the person film was hissteric of the fear of the people on the plane. We thought of some ideas of what would of happened if these people had got stuck in the plan.
* Lock in the plane
* Crashed and then can't get out
* Dead bodies everywhere
* A dream of people getting on the plane for a holiday and then a suspicious guy comes in and looks like he maybe up to something
These ideas above were a quick brain storm of what it could of been like.
Then after looking into the idea of the plane evacuation. We realised that we were that keen on doing it, as we thought that we couldn't go anywhere with it.

Above is Glasgow International Airport is where the plane evacuation happened.
Below is the people getting of to evacuated airplane down the slide.

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