Saturday 24 November 2012

Narrative Action Of Our Thriller

"Narrative Action of “Karma

1.     Get a view of the city/ where the bank is
2.     Then see the robbers in the back of the van meditating to get in the zone
3.     Point of view shot focusing on the robber leader
4.     View of the bank that’s going to be burgled
5.     Shot of the pc plod and the gang waiting for the arrival of burglars
6.     Another shot of the robbers but a close up
7.     BCU of one of the robber’s eyes under the balaclava
8.      Close up of robber holding a gun
9.     Wide shot of the policeman on roof top of building ready to attack
10.  Another shot of a policeman hiding behind a wall in the alleyway
11.  Close up of another policeman outside the bank into the alleyway
12.  Back to the robbers in the back of the van shortly before attack
13.  CCTV high angle shot, view of the bank
14.  Zoomed in the CCTV camera of the footage of the previous page
15.  View of the bank and everyone in there (cashiers/ customers/ etc.)
16.  Back to the policeman waiting in the alleyway
17.  BCU of police badge to establish the contrast in characters
18.  Shot of the police vans to highlight to audience how many are there and seriousness of situation
19.  BACK to the robbers chilling in the van
20.  BCU of a static policeman
21.  BCU on robbers eyes in the police van

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