Monday 16 September 2013

Emily Tedrake

Emily Tedrake is a video commissioner from Polydor records which is part of the universal music group, (Time Warner conglomerate). Emily started her career with fine art painting and then photography, in which she did thought she wanted to be. She then got offered an internship at Polydor, in which she was not getting paid for but it was a great opportunity for gaining work experience. She then got offered a job at Polydor to be the point of contact with the artist and the record label in which is part of the process of making the music video. Since being a commissioner she has commissioned music videos for music artists, such as Ellie Goulding, Lana Del Ray, ect.. 

The Music video commissioning process:

The commissioning process in which Emily had to under take is the budgets in which the record companies give her to work with. This vary from £1,000 to a £100,000. The budget will shape the content Once they know in which song choice. She will then put out tender to directors who once selected they will submit a treatment. Emily may have 10 contact 10 clients who may want to shoot , depending on bids/concept. This whole process is worked closely with artists and Repertoire and researches directors.

We then looked at one of Emily's concepts ( Ellie Goulding- Burn) in which was shot in June this year. This treatment was images used to suggest the content and theme, but also realistic on behalf of the director. There were specific references for the look of the video, location, how the band are going to look like, what props will look like, then the casting ect for the narrative. then you have to consider weather Ellie will have the right star image and styling for the narrative drawn up.
The treatment covers most of the important parts are creating a music video, so you have to make sure that this process is well thought through.
After watching Ellie Goulding single Burn. I thought that the video was really well put together, as it had a simple narrative which made it really effective.

The next video and treatment which Emily had to show us was James Blake- 'Overgrown', which is one of Emily's favourite video. This treatment was not visual with no images. It was shot in Los Angeles over a two day period. There was a £30,000 budget, with one of the top named directors. This video had a lots of post production afterwards, which was highly stylised with lighting. There was a cabin build in the studio, green screen on windows, and then the uses of time lapse. The cabin on the hillside was put in post production. She hired professional backing dancers, to give it more of that edge. The video gets across a fantastic star image and this has to match the music. This is were Emily has to scale the energy and colour as James Blake is an elegant and simple artist.

The next video Emily had to show us was 'White Lies' by First Time Callers. This video was shot only 3 weeks ago and it was only got released this morning. The director of the video was a French director and had a budget of £15,000. This treatment of the video had a synopsis and image of the concept. The French director interpret the song, and provide a music video breakdown ina few paragraphs. There was lots of image based theme, with location of performance in Paris, France.
Before making this video there were two versions- a band performance based video and then a re-shot a 16mm performance under Emily at Polydor this year.  

1 comment:

  1. Detailed and knowledgeable understanding evident of Emily’s talk. You seem to have benefitted with the professional speaker providing information on actual practice. I like the way in which you have used this information and blogged this in relation to your coursework planning. Hopeful you will use this to good effect when you produce a treatment and timeline for your music video this week. I also feel that you have produced some excellent blog entries which have either developed your research and planning in to a range of artist’s bands and subsequent products. I also enjoy seeing your concept being nurtured to ensure the right concept for your single release …so well done.
