Thursday 12 September 2013

Music Video powerpoint presentation

In today lesson as a group we presented our music videos ideas as a PowerPoint to Jason and Luke in which both will be helping us create the music video, ditpack and website.  So we started discussing our whole concept of what we wish to create. There were of course mixed reviews on the whole idea, as Luke found that the whole concept not original at all. He found that the idea of having a Alice and Wonderland narrative a good idea, but he was saying that it needs to be more fantasy world, to have a different look and feel from the original Alice and Wonderland. We did also show in which song we would use, and they liked that we had chosen that song, but then again they were worried that the song was too well known with a good original music video.
As we all take all the discussing which took place. We feel as a group that we will go back and carry on creating and taking on board on what both the teachers say, and then hopefully we may have a really strong concept at the end of it.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent posting of presentation - whcih in itself was well communicated, leaving you with lots of ideas to work on. A couple of things - please check all peling - e.g. CD digipak - been misspelt on the blog. Also the presentation needs to be posted and operable as a slideshoe - at the moment this is just text and image - defeating the point of the presentation? An excellent effort nonetheless.
