Friday 20 September 2013

New idea

This week we started with a new idea, as our previous narrative was not working, and when pitching it to the teachers they weren't keen. So what we have decided to do is to keep our song choice of 'The Kooks- Naive'.

Above is as a group we created two mind maps of a rough treatment for our music video. There is still lots of work needed to improve the whole concept.

So as a group we discussed the treatment for our music video. We like the idea of the performance part of the music video of a band playing in a big open space, such as an old, empty warehouse in which we can have bright flashing lights and big windows. we still like the idea of the band to have the whole vintage look to them, which I think would fit in really well with the performance location.

We then want to have the narrative part of the music video as a story line of a girl throughout her life. We want to display this with having the narrative through doors. We started this process of having two doors in which have two different themes action going on. The first door is were uni and family life is happening, so we have her looking young and innocent, happy, graduating, ect... Then in the second door we have the completely different action of prostitution. we had the whole idea that she gets pick through the window.

We then pitched this idea to our teachers and they feeling more for the idea. Luke then said to us that with only having two door ideas would not be enough for a 3 minute video. So what he suggested to us was having more ideas with the different doors of throughout her life.

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