Wednesday 25 September 2013

Target Audience

In our music video we want to target our audience at an age range of 16- 24 year olds.
As our band is young in the music video, this will mean that it will attract girls and also boys who want to like them.
As a group we all agree that the main character who is a girl should be attractive, so this will hopefully grab the boys attention. 
Uni is an important part of the video which attracts and involves young people.
The band is quite alternative and cool so this attracts other young and upcoming bands. The kooks are organic artists so this attracts people who like organic and real artists compared to synthetic artists.

Below is where I have created a audience member who I think would fit to our music video. 

Name: Maisie Trafford 
Age: 17 
Oppupation: Student doing A-Levels

Where do you live? 
At the moment I live in Brighton, but hoping for next year to live in London

What Kind of music do you like?
The kind of music in which I am interested in not the well known music, so I like artists like The arctic Monkeys and Two Door Cinema Club, as they are known artist, but have an alternative feel to them. 

What about the band attracts you?
The bands in which attract me are ones in which are not hugely well know and that they are doing it for the music and performance rather than the fame and image. I like a good band who give it there all in performance, but at the same time give it that chilled look.  

Describe your perfect night when going out?

My perfect night when going out is to have a good time, but in a chilled way. I like to go house parties, which are especially quite chilled and then also going out in town which then I like getting all dressed up. I do also like getting a group of us to go to a concert or festival as they are great fun.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent you have clearly identified the target audience for your band/artist & have applied the demographic and psychographic profile well.
    You have thought about and applied clearly the VALS of your profiled target audience. Do consider and blog how this forms apart of the music industry markets according to genre and youth sub culture. Not only that but also consider potential markets for your campaign. This can be compared to real band/artists.
    (use hyperlinks).
